The most powerful out-of-the-box analytics for games.
Map your player's real-time user behavior!
Your game's real revenue, tracked from every source!
Unlock undiscovered insights into your games by building dashboards your own Custom Workspace!
Advanced Live Ops for your games made simple!
Every cent of your game's marketing tracked.
Maximize your games engagement with Push Notifications.
Visualize each of your game's verified revenue streams using our IAP Receipt Validation and Ad Revenue tracking on our monetization dashboard.
Verify real purchases from your game's IAPs using our platform's custom receipt validation tool.
Integrate your mediation partners to get breakdowns of your ad performance across your waterfall.
Visualize your game's most vital player performance analytics like ARPDAU, ARPU, and Purchasing Conversion Rate.
Deliver in-game items to players with peace of mind by verifying player purchase payloads with our real-time server-side purchase validation.
What are you waiting for?